The definition of plastic pollution in the dictionary is microplastic. Microplastic (plastic pollution) is extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment, resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste. The more basic definition is the plastic that we humans use then throw away because we believe it is of no use to us anymore. For a long time, society did not notice the incredible amount of plastic that was building up and thought it of no importance. In the 1960s, scientist started realizing that plastic waste was starting to fill up our oceans drastically. By the 1970s and 1980s, people were starting to become highly aware of the large amounts of plastic pollution filling our oceans. Everyone started to become suspicious of the many companies whose products were made of plastic. It was those companies who came up with recycling as a way to try to save their businesses. Though being able to reuse old plastic sounded like the perfect solution, it ended up being too good to be true. Most of the plastic recycled still ended up in landfills of trash. The biggest plastic pollution is in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which has often been described as a swirl of plastic garbage the size of Texas floating in the Pacific Ocean.